Friday, May 30, 2014

Playing Cards April 2014.

Two of the best habits of the most effective people are planning and demonstrated commitment. While its not productive to be too unstructured in our plans, being overly ridged creates its own set of problems.

You will need 5-10 minutes each morning and evening, a stack of index cards, a pen, and a notebook to track your progress. (Digital substitutes are OK for the notebook, but I would recommend using actual index cards.)

Sometime early in your day grab a stack of 5 cards. Write down, one on each card, the 5 most important things you need to accomplish today. These may be work projects, time at the gym, time with friends or family. There is no criteria other than each one represents something important to you.

Under each item write as briefly as possible, and as best as you are able, why is this important to you. Maybe you are seeking a promotion, or closing a deal. Maybe you want to build better relationships. Or maybe it is just and undefined feeling that this needs to be done.

Now, organize the cards in the order you think you will most effectively act on them throughout the day.

As you go through your day, once an hour look at the stack of cards. Is the task you are doing right now progressing this list? Maybe there is a good reason for it. What will it take to get you back on track?

Each time you look at the cards (every hour) you are allowed to reorganize them as you choose.

Toward the end of your day take 5-10 minutes to quickly review. Did I accomplish what I set out to do? Is what I left out more important than what I accomplished?

Don't be discouraged, if you did not get everything that was important done, you can move the incomplete card.

Try again tomorrow.